blubbery in nature, the grimy hormone drips, sits on our heads from above.
It quivers joyfully and oils itself from your mothers’ blood, my fathers’ sweat.
"We have said we will never collapse, never ever. We may have our droughts, our poverty, but as a people we shall never collapse, never ever."
your hunger is different as it is for power.
for too long hunger made me believe.
for too much desperation, i acquired a new faith and
this new religion’s ghost is a large, round and greasy hormone.
whatever shall the ghost answer on that day?
"We don't mind having sanctions banning us from
i don’t read the herald anymore.
for too long my hardship made me believe that ndarara kana mararawo. no, robert,
you did not wake up in the night and hear the cries of a pregnant woman miscarrying because of starvation.
"Why foist this food upon us? We do not want to be choked,
we have enough."
tell me, robert, what shall your answer be when you shall walk the land like any man,
when I, my neighbor, and pamwe chete all of